In the wake of the false arrest of
Who after refusing to cover her chest was hauled off to jail, and to protest the physical misconduct she endured as she practiced Civil Disobedience by the ones we pay to protect and serve, the very body they harmed.
Let us come together...
Boy, girl, man, woman, and "hu-person"...
Come one, Come all...
Come topless and have a ball,
At Central Park On Sunday, August 14th 2005
Beginning at 2 p.m. at Tavern on the Green
We will begin to bike and blade ending where and when we feel like it!
So please bring all your CRITICAL TITS, and the rest of you too...
In order to demonstrate our right to bare our chest
Boy, girl, man, woman, and "hu-person".
Please let everyone know and encourage all to attend so we can collectively heighten the awareness that it is a man's as well as a woman's right to bare her chest in NYC. This will empower women to bare their breast if and when they feel like it by allowing those who are presently unaware to become conscious of their "hu-person's" rights. Let us also hope it will further educate NYC cops on the laws we pay them to enforce so that the number of brothers and sisters whom everyday face false arrest will decline. So there will never be another Republican Convention where massive groups of our fellow “hu-persons” are falsely arrested and where many faced physical misconduct by police officials. Let us ride for those arrested that day, 90% of who have already been acquitted and for the remainder who await their acquittal.
Let us ride topless to demonstrate to other states that it is every "hu-person's" legal right to go shirtless in NYC and should be every "hu-person's" legal right everywhere. Let us begin...This symbol of inequality between the sexes has been accepted as the social-norm for too long. It will no longer go unnoticed. Women have been restricted physically everyday in most cultures, and it is up to us to take our power back. Take it back. We have been shamed for nursing in public and criticized for exercising the same rights as a man. Let us begin to manifest our equality on all levels including our physical right to expose our chests.
Let us end this symbol of INEQUALITY BETWEEN THE SEXES.
Let us begin again...
If you will: Bring permanent markers so we can write on our bodies the law (penal code 245.1). The cops are obviously unaware that the right for a woman to go topless in NYC was recently passed and need to be schooled by us this Sunday. We will also write over each other's bodies words like Legal Rights, Equality, and any other phrases that work, like FREE 'DEM.
Let us ride...
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