Monday, August 15, 2005


This is not meant as an anti-drug rant, because that would be unbelievably hypocritical of me. But, the recent death of Mellie, a visible resident of the nightlife, has freaked me out considerably, and I'm in a period of reflection.

Kate directed me to this NY Times article about the connection between cocaine use and coronary aneurysm. The findings show that 30.4% of cocaine users suffer them later in life, versus 7.6% of non-users. According to the article, risk is particularly apparent in those who use once a week or more. Coronary aneurysms increase risk of heart attack and stroke, and can also rupture some main blood vessels, causing sudden death.

Mellie was 18, a student at NYU, who frequented parties like MisShapes and Bust. On Friday, she was found unconscious in an LES apartment, and died at the hospital of a drug overdose. Which drug hasn't been clarified yet. The full story is here. DJ Jess of Trash and Bust posted the following on myspace:

"A wake will be held tonight (Monday) and tomorrow (Tuesday) morning, with a funeral procession after Tuesday's wake. I've listed the details below, and anyone who's interested or wants to know more, please don't be shy about calling me. Mellie meant a great deal to me, and to many others as well, and it would be a lovely gesture for all of us to attend the services and show her family just how much she was loved and will be missed. Jess 646-298-8666 The wake will be held at: Frank E Campbell Funeral Home (81st & Madison)Monday 6pm - 9pm, and Tuesday 9AM-12PM with funeral procession afterwards to Westchester. Please get in touch if you would like to attend the funeral but need transportation or can offer it! Thank you."

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